After consultation of this website, the personal data of identified or identifiable subjects may be processed.
The data controller is Criva snc - Via Cadorna, 4 - Fossalta di Piave 30020 (VE) – Italy.

All web service-connected data processing is carried out in the registered offices of the abovementioned company, exclusively by authorised staff or, occasionally, also by maintenance staff during their maintenance activities. No data derived from the web service shall be disclosed or disseminated.
Personal information provided by the users who end requests for information materials (mailing list, newsletters, answers to FAQ, etc.) shall be used solely for the purpose of provided the requested services or performance and shall not be disclosed to third parties.

Navigation data.
Computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website during their normal operation acquire some personal information that is transmitted automatically when using the Internet communication protocols. This information is not meant to be associated with identified subjects, but, by their very nature, and through their processing and association with third party data, might make it possible to identify the users. Among these data are IP addresses or the domain names of the computers used by the users to connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the file sent in answer to the request, the numerical code showing the status of the server answer (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters pertaining to the user's operating system and computer system.
These data are used solely for statistic purposes concerning the use of the site and to check the site's correct operation.
Data might be used also to assign liability in the event of alleged computer crimes against the site.

Data voluntarily supplied by the user.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of email messages to the addresses included in this site imply the subsequent acquisition of the email address of the sender, which is necessary to send the answer to any queries, and of any other personal information included in the message.

No user personal information shall be acquired by the site.
Session cookies used by this site prevent recourse to other techniques, potentially damaging for the confidentiality of user navigation, and prevent the acquisition of user identification data.

Apart for what mentioned above concerning navigation data, the user is free to choose whether to supply the personal information requested in the company forms. However, failing to supply all the requested data may lead to the impossibility of obtaining what was requested.

Personal information is processed with automatic and non automatic tools, for the purposes for which it has been collected. Specific security measures are implemented to avoid data loss, illegal or incorrect usage and unauthorised access thereto. The collected information may be used on behalf of the data controller by the operators entrusted with its processing and with the correct execution of all website activities.

The subjects the personal information refers to have the right, at any time, to be informed of the existence of such data, to know their exact nature and origin, check their correctness or ask for their integration or updating, or correction (art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003).
Pursuant to that same article, users can ask for the deletion, anonymisation or block of data processed in violation of the relevant legislation, and to object , in any case, to their processing, for legitimate reasons. Such requests shall be addressed to Criva snc - Via Cadorna, 4 - Fossalta di Piave 30020 (VE) – Italy.